住友ケミカルエンジニアリング株式会社のロゴ Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical
Engineering Co.,Ltd.

About Us


Message from 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 President

president Nobuyuki Kobayashi

Thank you for your continued underst無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ing 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 support.

Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Engineering Corporation (SCEC) celebrates its 60th anniversary this year.
All of our employees would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your exceptional support 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 encouragement.

Since its foundation in 1964, SCEC has built up a track record in plant construction in Japan 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 overseas in a wide range of fields, including petrochemicals, inorganic chemicals, fine chemicals such as pharmaceutical intermediates 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 agrochemicals, high-performance chemicals for automotive 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 electronic component applications, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 high-purity chemical solutions for semiconductor manufacturing.

We provide optimal solutions for 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 entire plant lifecycle by working closely with our customers from basic design to detailed design, procurement, construction, and commissioning, while placing 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 highest priority on safety and compliance. Through plant engineering, we will actively contribute to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 realization of a sustainable society, including carbon neutrality.

We look forward to your continued guidance, encouragement, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 warm support.


Compliance System

Based on Sumitomo's business spirit of contributing to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 realization of a prosperous society through its business activities, aiming for coexistence between 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 company and society without regard for temporary profits, we have established a compliance manual and compliance system. All of our members are performing our duties in full compliance with social ethics, laws, and regulations.

Quality Management
Certificate 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Approval ISO9001
Environmental Management
Certificate 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Approval ISO14001
Safety 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Health

Safety Initiatives

Company Policy

We recognize that safety is 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 foundation of management and is of utmost importance in 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 development of our business activities, we will make company-wide efforts to ensure safety based on 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 basic principle of "safety takes precedence over everything else" and 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 company-wide slogan "Zero accident, zero occupational injury" every year as our basic policy.

Safety Education Programs

In employee training, we improve knowledge 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 skills in health 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 safety, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 develop promoters of legal compliance 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 accident prevention.


We promote intrinsic safety design in plant design.

Safety Experiential Education

This education helps people to recognize 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 fear of disasters and promote 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ir sensitivity to danger through simulation.

無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖
AED tra無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖g
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖

Risk Assessments

Our risk assessment (RA) 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 safety check reduce hazards 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 ensure safety construction work. Our risk activities include risk reduction measures obtained through RA, hazard prediction (KY) activities, near-miss activities, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 5S activities are used to ensure work safety.

Disaster Case Study

Sumitomo Chemical Group safety and health information is shared to enhance knowledge and sensitivity to hazards, with 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 aim of achieving zero occupational accidents.

Safety Patrols

In order to prevent occupational accidents and injuries, regular safety and health patrols are conducted at each site to ensure a safe and comfortable workplace, and regular safety patrols by 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 HSE Group ensure that each site is managed at 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 same level of safety and health.

無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖

Company-wide safety 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 health meeting

We have established safety and health management regulations and a safety and health committee to promote 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 improvement of a comfortable work environment to ensure 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 safety and health of employees. Our company-wide safety and health meeting reviews 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 company's overall safety and health management on a regular basis (twice/year) and to continuously improve 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 level of safety and health management.

HSE Internal Audit

We hold annual meeting for 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 purpose of contributing to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 establishment, maintenance, and improvement of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 systems necessary to ensure 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 appropriateness of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 HSE Group's business operations.

Safety Awards

As part of safety and health promotion activities, projects with "no accident and no occupational injury" are commended by 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 president in accordance with 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 employee commendation rules.

General Business Owner Action Plan

General Business Owner Action Plan (Law for Promotion of Women's Activities 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children)

無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 following action plan will be formulated to enable all employees, both male and female, to balance work and child rearing, and to create an environment in which all employees can work comfortably, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖reby enabling all employees to fully demonstrate 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ir abilities.

1. PlanningApril 1, 2022 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 March 31, 2025 (3 years)

2. Contents
Goal1:All employees to take at least 7 days of paid leave per year. [Law for 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Promotion of Women's Activities].
 【 Details 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Initiatives 】
  Every year from April~ In addition to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 simultaneous planned grant, each employee is required to set a date for 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 grant and submit a plan for each individual.
  Every year from October~ Survey 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 status of acquisition and encourage employees to obtain it through 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ir supervisors.

Goal2:Career training and explanations of internal systems for employees working while raising children or about to do so, as well as 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ir supervisors, will be held three times during 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 plan period. [Law for 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Promotion of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Development of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Next Generation].
 【 Details 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Initiatives 】
  April 2022~ 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 content and operation of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 training program will be discussed at meetings.
  October 2022~ Inform employees and encourage 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖m to take 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 course.
Women's empowerment society

Disclosure of information on 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 current status of women's activities

Rate 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 leisure acquisition 76.4% (As 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 March 31, 2024)


Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Group Basic Principles for Sustainability Promotion

Based on Sumitomo's Business Spirit and Management Principles, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Sumitomo Chemical Group is committed to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 following six principles to promote sustainability to realize a sustainable society through our business activities and to achieve our own sustainable growth.

Principle 1: Creation of economic 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 social value (promotion of "self-interest 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 altruism, public 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 private")
In order to continue to be a corporate group trusted by society, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Group promotes 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 creation of social value (altruism*) as well as economic value (self-interest*) through innovation.

Principle 2: Contribute to solving important problems of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 international community
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Group will act in compliance with international norms related to human rights, labor, safety, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 environment, anti-corruption, etc., and will contribute to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 realization of a diverse and inclusive society, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 achievement of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 resolution of o無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖r important issues facing 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 international community.

Principle 3: Cooperation with Related Organizations
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Group will demonstrate leadership through participation in various domestic and international partnerships with international organizations, governments, local governments, corporations, industry associations, universities and academia, and civil society.

Principle 4: Working with Stakeholders
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Minebea Group will work with various stakeholders by actively disclosing and promoting dialogue on 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 targets and progress of its sustainability promotion initiatives.

Principle 5: Top Commitment 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 All Member Participation
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Group's top management is committed to promoting sustainability, and all members of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Group are highly committed and passionate about achieving this goal.

Principle 6: Governance
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Group will continuously review and proactively improve its sustainability initiatives by regularly and comprehensively reviewing 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 status of sustainability promotion.

※ Although 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 philosophy of "Self-interest and altruism, public and private" is not codified, we interpretate that it expresses Sumitomo's business spirit that "Sumitomo's business must benefit not only itself but also 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 nation and society at large.

https://www.sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo-chem.co.jp/sustainability/management/principles/basic_principles/

Commitment to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 SDGs

As a member of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Sumitomo Chemical Group, we are committed to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Sumitomo Chemical Group's Contribution to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 SDGs(Sumitomo-chem.co.jp)
CSR activities

Matching Gift Program

Contribution to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)

As a social contribution activity in which employees and 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 company work toge無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖r, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Sumitomo Chemical Group has been engaged in 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 "Matching Gift Program" since 2007, in which 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 company matches 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 amount of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 donation and donates it to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 recipient.

1.Support for tree-planting activities: Public Interest Incorporated Foundation OISCA
We promote Support for tree-planting activities will be promoted as part of efforts to conserve 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 global environment and biodiversity, including CO2 reduction to prevent global warming. We donate to 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 "Children's Forest Project" and 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 "Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction and Coastal Forest Restoration Project.

2.Support for children's upbringing 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 education: "Ashinaga Scholarship Society, a private non-profit organization
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 funds will be used for scholarships to support children who have lost a parent due to illness, disaster, suicide, etc.

Volunteers for 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 International Classified Para Table Tennis Championships

Volunteers for 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 International Classified Para Table Tennis Championships

Company Pr無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ile

Company Name Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Main 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice 〒261-8568 1-7-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba
(Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Engineering Center Bldg. 20F)
Representative President Nobuyuki Kobayashi
Business Planning, design, procurement, construction, commissioning, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 maintenance of various industrial facilities
Domestic 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fices Chiba City, Osaka City, Niihama City
Overseas 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fices Singapore, Malaysia
Incorporation September 1, 1964
Capital S無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ck 1 billion yen
Employees 196 (non-consolidated) 307 (consolidated) As 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 April 1, 2024
S無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ckholders Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Company, Limited (investment ratio: 100%)
Main Banks Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Mitsui Banking Corporation, 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖kyo Sales Division
Chiba Banking Corporation, Makuhari Shin 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖shin Branch
Domestic Affiliates Izumi Techno Corporation (investment ratio: 100%)
Ciatec., Co LTD (investment ratio: 49%)
Domestic Affiliated CompaniesSumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Engineering Singapore Pte. Ltd.(“SCES”)
Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Engineering(Malaysia)Sdn.Bhd.(“SCEM”)
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖
Head 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice Bldg.
無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖
Singapore Subsidiary
Photo countesy 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 JTC

His無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ry

September 1964 Established (capital: 300 million yen) with headquarters in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Niihama Design Office (predecessor of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 current Niihama Office)
Began operations at Osaka 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice
March 1965 Registered as a construction company under 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 Construction Business Act. Received order for PVC plant for Taiwan (first overseas JOB order).
August 1968 Chiba Annex (predecessor of 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 current Chiba Office) established at Niihama Design Office
February 1974 Obtained governor's permit under 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 new Construction Business Law
May 1975 Merged with Japan Plant Construction Co.
November Obtained Minister of Construction License No. 6624 under 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 new Construction Industry Law.
March 1984 Singapore Branch opened
March 1985 Capital increased 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 1 billion yen (無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 date)
January 1987 Izumi Techno is established primarily for 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 purpose of maintenance work on industrial facilities and building repair work.
March 1991 Malaysia subsidiary established
March 1993 Head 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice relocated to Makuhari-shintoshin (Mihama-ku, Chiba City)
December 1997 Acquisition 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 ISO9001
Oc無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ber 2001 Merged with Sumika Plant Co.
June 2005 Acquisition 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 ISO 14001 (2004)
July Established local subsidiary in Saudi Arabia.
Oc無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖ber 2010 Established local subsidiary in Singapore
July 2011 Established local subsidiary in China
September 2014 50th Anniversary
May 2018 Osaka 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice relocated (Fukushima-ku, Osaka)
July 2021 Oita Sales 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice opened
September 2024 60th Anniversary


As 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 June 27, 2024

Organization Organization

無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice

Domestic 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fices

【Main 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice】


1-7-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba
(Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Engineering Center Bldg. 20F)
Tel. (043)299-0200/Fax.(043)299-0210

【Osaka 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice】


6-5-16 Noda, Fukushima-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
(Shinko Osaka Center Building 1F)
Tel. (06)6465-1570/Fax.(06)6465-7695

【Niihama 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice】


3-1-39 Shinden-cho, Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture (Sobiraki Building)
Tel. (0897)32-9223/Fax.(0897)33-2281

【Oita 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice】


2-4-6 Kanaikemachi, Oita City, Oita Prefecture
(Kyushu Electric power Oita branch 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fice bekkan 1F)
Tel. (097)506-7511

Overseas 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖fices

【Singapore Subsidiary】 Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Engineering Singapore Pte.Ltd.


8 Jurong Town Hall Road, #27-05 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 JTC Summit,Singapore 609434
Tel.(+65)6425-4477 Fax.(+65)6425-3577

【Malaysia Subsidiary】Sumi無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖mo Chemical Engineering(Malaysia)Sdn.Bhd.

12th floor, Menara Symphony No.5, Jalan Pr無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖. Khoo Kay Kim Seksyen 13,
46200 Petaling Jaya,Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Izumi Techno Corporation
Business activities: New construction 無料 ゲーム 麻雀 天 聖 remodeling of chemical plants, maintenance of industrial facilities

Ciatec., Co LTD
Business activities: Construction consultant for planning, research, design, supervision, etc.